"To facilitate and fund social, educational and cultural endeavors that enhance the quality of life in Villa Park"



Marine School Supplies

Just wanted to share with you all some photos (see attached) from yesterday's delivery of school supplies to Camp Pendleton by Villa Park High's own Carly Rabun and Samantha Frackelton who had planned to organize this year's VP Thanksgiving event.

"Maxine at the Armed Services YMCA on the base was very appreciative.  Her organization will be handing these out later this week and she promises to share some photos.  Carly and Sammy will then write up an article for the Hidden Jewel magazine and perhaps The Feeder city email.

THANK YOU very much to all of you who donated supplies and/or money to the cause.  Special shout out to the Villa Park Community Services Foundation for sending $2000 from the Villa Park Marines Thanksgiving fund and thank you to the past Host families who put the money into that fund over the years.  The ASYMCA got the check.  Special shout out to Villa Park Rotary Club and their member Jill Kuli who spent $1000 from the Rotary community services fund for LOTS of school supplies (I think Mrs. Kuli turned $1000 into $2000 worth of goods!).  

Thank you to Anne "Grammy" Frackelton, Nicol Jones, Sharon Kinney, Nancy Swirsley and Bryan Carlson for donating wonderful school supplies.  Thank you to Leslie Adams, Lori Kreutziger and Beverly Bell for making online donations.  I am sure there are others who donated online too, but I don't have a list so how about just a blanket thank you to everyone...thanks!

Robert Frackelton (Carly and Sammy's Driver and Secretary)"

2020Eric Baril